Give Email Reports

Version: 1.1.4


The Add-on is Pre-Activated.
Future updates can be downloaded any time.


What is Give – Email Reports?

Give – Email Reports is a WordPress plugin designed to simplify the process of managing and tracking donations on a website. With this plugin, users can receive detailed reports of their donations directly to their email inbox, allowing them to stay informed and up-to-date on their website’s donation activity.

How Does Give – Email Reports Work?

It works by integrating seamlessly with the GiveWP donation plugin. Uers can configure the settings for Give – Email Reports to receive regular reports on their donation activity. The plugin allows users to customize the frequency and format of the reports, ensuring that they receive the information they need in a convenient and accessible manner.

Key Features

  • Customizable Reports: Users can customize the frequency and format of the donation reports they receive via email.
  • Comprehensive Data: The reports generated by it include detailed information about donation activity.
  • Integration: this plugin seamlessly integrates with the GiveWP donation plugin.
  • Convenient Access: Users can access the information they need quickly and conveniently, without having to log into their WordPress dashboard.

Why You Should Install

  • Streamlined Donation Management: It simplifies the process of managing and tracking donations.
  • Improved Transparency: Website owners can maintain transparency with their donors and stakeholders.
  • Time-Saving Convenience: Users can save time and effort by accessing the information they need without having to navigate their WordPress dashboard.
  • Enhanced Accountability: It helps website owners maintain accountability by providing them with accurate and up-to-date information about their donation activity.

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